Friday, October 19, 2018


More fall fun with a focus on pumpkins.  Monday we read Spookley the Square Pumpkin, we learned that it is okay to be different.  That being different can save the day.  We worked on three part patterns.  Our patterns were made up of red, yellow and blue shapes, in the shape of triangles, squares and circles.  Each student had their own pattern to complete.  This was tricky!

Then on Tuesday we were scientist and cut open a pumpkin and learned the different parts of a pumpkin.  The stem, vine, leaf, then the skin or shell, pulp and seeds.  As, scientists we then labeled the parts of the pumpkin.

Wednesday, the kiddos made books about the life cycle of a pumpkin.  The cycle starts with a seed, that is planted in the ground.  A sprout emerges from the soil, grows into a vine, with leaves.  With water and sun shine yellow flowers grow.  At the base of the flowers, small green pumpkins start to grow.  They grow bigger and bigger and eventually turn orange.

We end the school week by creating jack o lanterns.  We had a lot of cutting to do.  They will be displayed in the classroom in quilt format. 

Friday FUN day we had our Family Outreach event to decorate pumpkins.  The families had choices to create mummys, polk a dot, glow in the dark puffy paint or crayon melting.  Afterward families could create and decorate a scarecrow by cutting out paper and gluing it on or coloring.  Thank you everyone who could make it.  There will be more events through out the year.