Thursday, September 30, 2021

Making Friends

 Great week of learning how to be a good friend.  Using our words, sharing, taking turns and using "please" and "thank you".  We are working so hard to learn the routines independently and cleaning up after we are done with something.  These are great life skills that our friends will use forever.  

Working on our coloring skills. Tripod grip, moving crayon back and forth to stay in the lines.  Also,  learning how to be a good listener and a good friend.  GIVE ME 5! Listening ears, looking eyes, quiet voice or even off, hands calm and feet calm. Gotta love the Potato Heads!!

Sharing friendship bracelets with our friends!!! Beading is a great way to build fine motor hand strength!

FOX woodland friends.  They are so adorable.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Fox Friends

 Loved our week of Fox Friends!  We learned about sharing, taking turns, using our words and just how to be a good friend.  Everyone is working so hard and learning so much.

Fun out take of todays picture day
Bingo Dobber hand prints for our classroom

We learned about red choice (things we want to stop doing)
We also learned about green choices (these are good choices and keep it up)

Paper dolls for our circle of friends bulletin board.

Friday, September 17, 2021

All About Me - Super 4Kers

 It has been a great week.  Everyone is working so hard at following the routines of the day to become an independent 4ker.  This was our first 4 day school week.  It was fun but hard work.  Next week will be our first regular week of school. We will meet Monday through Thursday.  Don't forget you can meet us at the mini homecoming parade on Friday.  This parade your 4Ker will be in next year when they head to the big school for 5K (Kindergarten).

Watercolor painting
Learning centers

Paper Faces - color glue decorate face to look like ourselves

Super ME - Super 4Kers!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Welcome to 4K

Our first few days have been so much fun! We are beginning to learn the routine of a school day. A lot of skills are being developed already including direction following, turn taking, staying in line, sharing, manners, listening, sitting still and much more. These are huge accomplishments in a room full of energetic 4-year-olds. We are so proud of all the kids!!!

This week we learned all about Chester Raccoon and the Kissing Hand. We learned that even though we are away from our mommies and daddies, they still love us very much!

First Day of School

First Days of working

Kissing Hand creations

Chester Raccoon Puppet Coloring

Family Trees - We were very please to meet the family members