Friday, December 18, 2020

Virtual Learning - Night Tree and A Wish To Be a Christmas Tree

I can't say it enough.  I appreciate all the hard work of my students and their families.  Stepping up to keep "school"  going while at home.  It is amazing what your are all doing and I love seeing all the hard work. 


Monday, December 14, 2020

Night Tree - Virtual Learning - Traditions

 Our Virtual Learners and their families are working hard!

Tree Farm, Gingerbread House & Night Trees

Zoo, Website and more

A week of hard work!

Lego Fun

End of the 3 Bears

 Virtual Learning - Thank you so much to caregivers for taking the time to share all the hard work of our 4kers.

Turkey Fun

Bear patterns, sequence snack and rectangle

Bed time bear watercolors

Bear positions

Person Book pages, virtual fun and bear