Sunday, October 14, 2018

Fire Safety

On Monday, we practiced our fire drills and watercolored fire safety pictures.  Tuesday, we colored fire hats.

Here are some fire safety items we talked about:

  • Are your smoke detectors working? —check monthly!
  • What is an emergency? When to dial 9-1-1
  • Don’t run! STOP, DROP, AND ROLL!
  • Have fire extinguishers available
  • Crawl on the ground, smoke rises
  • Have a meeting place outside where you can meet safely. Practice your plan.
  • NEVER play with fire, matches, or lighters
  • NEVER EVER, hide from fire fighters! YELL, I AM HERE! I AM HERE!

On Wednesday the fire fighter and fire trucks came for more fire safety and a fire truck tour.

Thursday the classes had a guest teacher, Mrs. Witt and worked on their core strength by coloring dalmatian dogs on their tummys.

It was a great week and we able to capture some learning through play pictures as well.