Here are some fire safety items we talked about:
- Are your smoke detectors working? —check monthly!
- What is an emergency? When to dial 9-1-1
- Don’t run! STOP, DROP, AND ROLL!
- Have fire extinguishers available
- Crawl on the ground, smoke rises
- Have a meeting place outside where you can meet safely. Practice your plan.
- NEVER play with fire, matches, or lighters
- NEVER EVER, hide from fire fighters! YELL, I AM HERE! I AM HERE!
On Wednesday the fire fighter and fire trucks came for more fire safety and a fire truck tour.
Thursday the classes had a guest teacher, Mrs. Witt and worked on their core strength by coloring dalmatian dogs on their tummys.
It was a great week and we able to capture some learning through play pictures as well.