Sunday, January 26, 2020

Royalty Cook Out

This week our book focus was the Knight and the Dragon.  In the story the Knight and the Dragon, at first wanted to fight each other, put later decided it would be better to friends and work together.  In working together the Dragon learned to be a chef, by cooking the food with his breath of fire. The Knight used his skills of building armor to create the grill and serving trays. 
 Making our pizza's... hope you have played your number matching game.
 Royal cooking in our pizzaria, royal dress up and castle play.
 Royal magnets, more royal dress up, Mexican restaurant, sensory royal gems.
 more royal fun

 Royal coloring

 Year of the Rat 2020, Chinese rat puppets with fortune cookies.
 STEM family 4K outreach event, lots of fun was had by all.  Thank you to all who came!