Friday, January 8, 2016

We're Baaaaack!

It sounds like we all really enjoyed the long holiday break but now we are back to work. The kids all did great with the return to routine!! We are so excited to have snow to play in and we even have an igloo and ice fishing hole in our classroom.

We started the week with our January Person Book page. Wednesday we made snowmen to decorate our classroom.

Thursday we created a snowy scene by tearing paper and stamp painting with part of a real evergreen branch! We finished the week by adding a bundled up kiddo playing in the snow to our snowy scenes. All the creations are decorating our classroom and hallway since our walls were bare.

You will see a note in your child's folder this week for a fun Yoga & Smoothie event that is already coming up next Friday. Please get your RSVP back to us right away (whether or not you can make it) so we know how many people to prepare for.

Also, please continue to send ALL outside apparel & shoes for indoors.

Finally for our Morning Class Families - Please do not park in our driveway at all during the morning drop off time. It's causing trouble for our busses.. You are welcome to park on the road or the back lot, but the driveway is off limits for cars during this time. Please let anybody who is bringing your child to school know too! Thanks for your help!!