Thursday, February 6, 2014


Sorry we missed the blog post last week...with only two days to do our four day's worth of work, there just wasn't time! We hope that you are all staying warm during this never-ending extreme cold!!! So on to this week's highlights...

Monday we made adorable hamsters in a ball. Did you just love them?!?!

Tuesday we created furry dogs on a leash which required a lot of fine motor skills to squeeze skinny snakes of glue and then cover them with yarn pieces.

We did a lot of cutting on Wednesday to create a whimsical cat that can hang by it’s tail on a doorknob or from a nail.

Thursday we decorated goldfish and made a mini-fishbowl for them.

We had a lot of fun playing in our veterinarian area with all the animals and doctor kits too!

A couple of the days this week we were even able to finally go play outside! We definitely need the fresh air and space to run. Please be sure to send ALL of your child's winter outerwear every day just in case it gets warm enough for us to go out.

We will be having our Friendship Party during class on Thursday, February 13th. If your child hasn’t  already brought in his/her valentines and mailbox, please be sure they are here by Wednesday!!!
Please have your child write ONLY his/her name on each valentine. We have 18 friends in each class.
You are welcome to send special treats/snacks that day. We recommend take-home goody bags or non-sugary snacks as we usually receive plenty of cupcakes, cookies, etc.