Friday, February 28, 2014

Down on the Farm

This week we learned about farm animals. On Monday we made a pig from a circle, oval, and triangles. These little piggies are decorating our hallway.

We made roosters on Tuesday...we love projects that let us use colorful feathers!!

Wednesday we learned about the chicken life cycle. We don’t have an answer as to which came first, the chicken or the egg, so you will see that our cycle is a never-ending circle.

Thursday was our day off this week and when we returned for class on Friday, we watercolored a picture of Barn Yard Friends from the Helme Hein Friends series. These are decorating our classroom and we sent home the heart collages for you to decorate your homes.

We sent home a Seuss character in your child's red folder for him/her to decorate for our March bulletin board in honor of Dr. Seuss' Birthday on March 2nd. Don’t forget to have him/her cut it out and write their own name on it!