Friday, March 10, 2023

Community Helpers

 I almost thought we had a full week of PreK then I remembered we were off on Monday.  NEXT week, let's hope it is a full week of school.  No more of this Thursday snow!

We had lots of fun learning about more jobs, and community helpers.  This week we talked about many workers, but focused on only a few.  Tuesday was the dentist and what is good for our teeth.  Wednesday we created three part patterns while reviewing our baker/chef, fire fighters, and police officers.  Thursday we worked at the library and put away the books about community helpers on the correct shelf.  We reviewed, police officers, fire fighters, chef/baker and postman/woman.

Enjoy our week in review photos

Dentist check
Construction Worker
Hair Dresser
Vets, Doctors and restaurant workers
Patterns and Stamp designs