Sunday, May 17, 2020

May 18 - Zoo - Zebra

Some more great at home learning fun!






Calendar with Mrs. Fox

Letter Z

Alphabet with letter sounds

Movement Song

The Animals Strike at the Zoo, read by Mrs. Fox

Zebra Project

Today I am sharing a fantastic paper bag zebra craft preschool kids will love to make. Whether your looking for an easy paper bag puppet to make or are looking for a Z is for Zebra craft, this awesome Zebra craft for preschoolers is sure to go down well with the little ones.   This Zebra bag puppet comes with a free zebra puppet pattern that you can download.  This paper bag zebra craft is great for a letter Z alphabet craft or after visiting the zoo. Using foam curlers to print the stripes onto your zebra is extra fun. Great zoo craft, animal craft and summer kids craft.