Tuesday, April 14, 2020

April 15 - The Three Billy Goats Gruff - Week of the Young Child - Work Together Wednesday

Some 3 Billy Goats Gruff bridges.  Thanks for sharing them.  Keep sending me pictures (FYI-end of year slideshow -pictures of kiddos from the whole year, has always been my gift to families and I'd love to have pictures from remote learning to add to this)
Some picture ideas besides the project - dramatic play, doing computer work, tasty Tuesday eats, Work Together Wednesday (helping with laundry, dishes, yard work, making beds, etc)

I missed an armadillo post with our calendar!  Thanks for sharing it!!!!


Letter V



Story read by Mrs. Fox, The Three Billy Goats Fluff

Project - try and use at least 3 colors, and keep colors inside lines if possible

Try an use at least 4 colors

Work together Wednesday - Chose an activity that your child can do with you or by themself.               
Printables - This Mom Life