Monday, September 16, 2019

Me & My Friends

All about ourselves and are friends.  We see how we are alike and how we are different.  A challenging thing that we are learning is that  we are still friends with each other even if we choose to do something different than one of our friends.

I  switched our painting project,with the Mat Man project at the last minute to make sure no paint got on our wonderful picture clothes.  I have been editing and the kiddos look so nice. Hoping to have order forms ready for Fridays, red folder.  YES, FRIDAY!! We have school on Friday, September 20th.  This Friday will also be our super hero dress up day.  Wear a costume or put on a pillow case for a cape.  Be as simple or as elaborate as you like.

Enjoy  the self portraits your little person created in class. If you didn't make the open house they are decorating our entry way.