Tuesday, May 14, 2019


With our cold, wet weather we have been safe from the bugs.  The upcoming warm weather should bring them out though.  We learned an insect has 6 legs and 3 body parts.  We hope you enjoyed your Mother's Day Gift --Love Bugs -- and all your wishes came true.

Tuesday we looked at Fireflies and made 3 body parts and drew 6 legs. Then to finish it off we made the wings from our handprints.  The colors are similar to The Lonely Firefly.

Butterflies were next.  We talked about symmetry.  The wings are the same on both sides.  We cut, and painted, folded the wings and saw both sides the same.

Thursday we created a graduation decoration of ourselves.  We will have these up on Tuesday,  May 21, 5:30 pm at St. Joseph's Church (lower level).  This is where we had our holiday sing...
Enjoy some more play pictures.