Friday, February 8, 2019

Porcupines, Hedgehogs and OpPoSiTeS

It has been a crazy couple weeks with our weather.  We have had snow days, cold days and icy day.  Please look at facebook and the rest of the blog post today for added days due to weather. 

We have been able to make some porcupines and hedgehogs.  We worked on our cutting and gluing with these ones decorating our room.

 We did get in some oPpOsItEs in and made our person book.  The most important opposites we worked on was Green and Red Choices.  We will refer to these through out the rest of the year in discussing being a good friend and you can use this at home as well. 

Patterns were another topic in putting the opposite picture next.  We worked very hard and were very successful in independently creating our patterns.
We managed to get some social time with some independent learning.  Oh, what fun!
And here's a notice of our added days to school due to the weather.