Saturday, December 8, 2018

The Bear Facts & Silverwood Trip

This week we wrapped up our Goldilocks and the 3 Bears.  We read more versions of the story and did some more comparison and contrasting of the stories.  On Monday, we drew and wrote our name for our person book.  Tuesday we worked on positions, I hope you read it together at home!  Use the bear and book to review shapes, colors and placements.  During playtime we created animal feeders with bagels, Crisco and birdseed to hang at Silverwood.  The kiddos recreated and told the story of the 3 Bears, on Wednesday. 

Silverwood Field trip was the highlight of the week and started our next unit of traditions.  The book of focus is called, Night Tree.  Enjoy our photos of our trip.  We hung our feeders, had hot coco and snack and sang songs with Jack, playing the guitar.