Friday, May 4, 2018

A Camping We Will GO!

We set up our campsite in the dramatic play area!  It's fun to roast our marshmallows, dress up, cook and just sit around the campfire. Monday we made paper tents and sorted items to in the tent and things that stay outside.
May started beautifully, and we really enjoyed our time outside.  Tuesday, we finished our last page in our books we have been working on all year.  At, graduation books will be given out and you get to be amazed at all their work.

Campers talked about the night sky, and created a picture drawing stars and gluing on googly eyes.  Hope you saw them come home in their backpacks.

Thursday we colored our fire wood on our bellies and painted the fire with marshmallows.  These were still wet so we will bring them home on Monday!