Friday, December 8, 2017

The Night Tree

This week we started our unit for December on Traditions and Holidays around the world.  We will talk about Kwanza, Hanukka, St. Lucia, La Posada, and of course, Christmas.  We also discuss that some friends do not celebrate any holidays, not even birthdays.  We started with our book, The Night Tree.  It is a wonderful story of a family that goes out every year and decorates an evergreen tree for the animals with edible ornaments.  This is why we went out to Silverwood.  We sang holiday songs, decorated trees for animals to enjoy and had hot chocolate.  It was really cold out there! 

This set of photos, we are making night trees by sizing different colored strips of paper.  These will be decorating the stage for our Holiday sing, on Wednesday, December 20, 5:30 pm, at St. Joseph's Church-lower level.