Friday, August 4, 2017

Fall Registration is Going on NOW!! 4K Parent Meeting on 8/17 & 4K Sneak Peek on 8/22

Online registration for the 2017-2018 school year is going on now! You can register your child(ren) online through your Infinite Campus Portal.

If you would prefer to have help with registration you can attend the Registration Days at the High School Fieldhouse next week - August 8th & 9th from 1:00pm-7:00pm.

4K Students do not get their pictures taken at registration. This will be done during class time in September. You’ll receive more info. once school starts.

Sorry, we don't handle any of the registration process here so we can't help you. This is just an  informational reminder. Any questions/need more info? Go to the Edgerton School District Website.

Don't forget that our Parent Orientation Meeting is on August 17th at 5:30pm This is your chance to turn in paperwork, school supplies and meet the teachers.  You will learn about the routine, curriculum, policies and have the opportunity to ask questions.  Children need not be present and there will not be childcare available. Space is an issue; so if at all possible, please limit attendance to parents only. This is important! If for any reason you are unable to make it, please call and schedule an appointment, 884-6162.

We are also offering a 4K Sneak-Peek day for your child on Tuesday, August 22nd 9-10am for the morning class students and 10:30-11:30am for the afternoon class students. This is an opportunity for your child to spend an hour getting to know the teachers, getting familiar with the classroom and meeting classmates. Parents will not be staying…you can go grab a cup of coffee or run some quick errands to give your child a trial run on being at school without you. You can sign up for this sneak-peek day at the Parent Orientation Meeting.