Thursday, February 2, 2017

setisoppO fo keeW A

There are so many opposites that we've talked about this week. It made for a week full of learning! We made a porcupine after reading the book called, A Porcupine Named Fluffy on Monday. This required strong fingers to hold our paper plates closed and cut small snips.  

On Tuesday we brought out the paint to make opposite masterpieces. We painted with white paint on black paper and black paint on white paper. There were many creative opposites painted, these are hanging up around our classroom.

Wednesday’s project was an opposite memory game. We worked hard to color our pictures and we enjoy playing this game time and time again! 

Thursday we used stickers to show a jar that is empty and a jar that is full. This required a lot of fine motor skill, peeling stickers can be hard!

Please remember that Valentine boxes and Valentines are due next Thursday. We've enjoyed the creative boxes that have been brought in so far!