Friday, January 13, 2017

Arctic Animals Week

The weather this week certainly reflected our theme of Arctic Animals! We hope you enjoyed the five “stay home” days we had. 

Wednesday we learned about husky sled dogs and made a husky puppet. It required lots of parts and direction following. 

Thursday we made an eskimo, this also required lots of parts and direction following. We wrapped up the week on Friday with a penguin project using our fine-motor skills to tear paper. 

 Our dramatic play area was transformed into an arctic area. We had an "igloo" that the kids could read in and a fishing hole as well. The kids seem to really enjoy using their imaginations in this area.

Some of our favorite books this week were: 
Count Alaska's Colors by Shelley Gill
Tacky and the Winter Games by Helen Lester
Tacky the Penguin by Helen Lester
Alaska ABC Book by Charlene Kreeger
Three Cheers for Tacky by Helen Lester
The Three Snow Bears by Jan Brett

Please continue to send all winter gear because we will go out whenever it’s above zero degrees.