Thursday, October 13, 2016

Stop, Drop, and Read About Our Week

This week we talked about fire safety and when to call 9-1-1.

Monday we painted a firetruck with watercolors and these are now decorating our classroom. We also made our fire truck snack. Mrs. Fox showed us how to use a knife the right way, never, ever like your knife (even if it has yummy frosting on it)! 

Wednesday some of the Edgerton Firefighters came to visit us. The firefighters talked to us about fire safety and we watched some fire safety videos during snack time.  Check out more pictures from our EFD visit on our Facebook Page .

 Fire safety week was a great time to review our "School Fire Plan." Ask your kid what they should do if they hear the fire alarm here at school. They should be able to tell you how we get out and where our "Safe Spot" is outside of the school. 

Does your family have a fire escape plan? If not, take the time to make one with your family. The fire plan should be practiced at least once a year
We made ourselves some firefighter hats on Tuesday. We practiced using scissors correctly and cutting on the lines. These were sent home in our backpacks.
Thursday we had some tummy time during project. It is hard work to lie on our bellies and complete projects. Our muscles weren’t the only things we worked on; we also worked on drawing circle and coloring them in for our Dalmatian project. This project came home in our backpacks. 

 Here are some fire safety items we talked about: 
• Are your smoke detectors working? —check monthly! 
• What is an emergency? When to dial 9-1-1
• Don’t run! STOP, DROP, AND ROLL! 
• Have fire extinguishers available 
• Crawl on the ground, smoke rises 
• Have a meeting place outside where you can meet safely. Practice your plan. 
• NEVER play with fire, matches, or lighters
• NEVER EVER, hide from fire fighters! Yell, I AM HERE! I AM HERE! 

Picture proofs were sent home in the red folders today. Please be sure to return the entire form by Monday October 24th.

Have a great weekend!
~Mrs. Fox & Mrs. Dutcher