Friday, June 3, 2016

Summer Skill Building

We hope you have a wonderful summer! Please give your kiddos lots of opportunities to keep their skills sharp so they're ready for a great kindergarten year!!

Fine-Motor Building Activities
•    Buttoning
•    Zipping
•    Snapping
•    Lacing Cards
•    Beading
•    Playdough
•    Using tongs to sort objects
•    Color with crayons
•    Cut ON lines, with scissors on hand correctly and pointing away from body
•    Write name with one uppercase letter and rest lowercase
•    Opening packages (string cheese, fruit snacks, etc.)

Self-Help Activities
•    Dress self
•    Undress self
•    Button
•    Zip
•    Snap
•    Put on own shoes
•    Clean up after meal
•    Help set table
•    Clean up toys (sorting is extra credit)
•    Ask for help with a complete sentence. Using a question vs. statement.
•    Use manners (please, thank you, excuse me, etc.)
•    Opening packages (string cheese, fruit snacks, etc.)

And as always, please read together often!!! This simple activity has a huge impact on your child's success :)