Thursday, October 15, 2015

Pumpkin Harvest Week

We had so much fun learning about pumpkins this week! We learned that pumpkins start as seeds and then grow into sprouts. The sprouts turn into vines and on the vines grow flowers. These flowers develop into little green pumpkins. Then the green pumpkins grow into the big pumpkins we can carve into jack-o-lanterns. Did you read the book your child made?

Tuesday we read a book called “The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin”. It told the story of a square pumpkin that saved the day. We then created our own unique pumpkins of any shape, size, color, and pattern. A colorful pumpkin patch is now decorating our classroom.

We made a quilt of pumpkin squares that are now decorating our hallway.
AM Class Quilt

PM Class Quilt

Thursday we created a diagram of pumpkin parts and labeled them. We even cut open a real pumpkin to see what’s inside and had the opportunity to help scoop out the pulp and seeds during playtime.

We are really looking forward to our trip to Hermanson's Pumpkin Patch next week!