Thursday, March 13, 2014

Community Faces & Places

We had more community fun in our classroom this week! We continued to enjoy our airport area and constructing in our science and discovery area.

On Monday we made a mouth and toothbrush and talked about going to the dentist and how we need to brush our teeth morning and night. 

Tuesday we made an ambulance using shapes. We practiced our cutting skills once again and we are getting very good at it! 

We were bakers on Wednesday and made a giant cupcake! We got to “marble” paint it by rolling painted balls over it to make the frosting design. 

 Thursday we filed community helper books onto the bookshelf because we were librarians. 

Be sure to check out our photo gallery page for some great pictures of us dressed for our new careers.

AM Class - Career Day

PM Class - Career Day

Don't forget that conferences start this week. If you need a reminder of your date/time, please see our Conferences Page. If you cannot make it for any reason, please call us at 884-6162.