Thursday, October 3, 2013

Fall is Here!

We created a number of different fall-themed items this week in preparation for our Open House, tonight, Oct. 3rd from 5:30-6:30pm.

Monday we painted a tree with fall colors using Q-tips. It's always fun to use an ordinary item in a new way for our art projects. We created a fall leaves shaker on Tuesday. This involved a lot of paper tearing, which is an awesome fine-motor skill activity. It takes a lot of thought to pinch the paper in both hands and then push one side while pulling the other in order to make it tear.

Wednesday we peeled and broke crayons to melt in wax paper for our acorn sun catchers. This was another great fine-motor activity. Thursday we completed the second page of our Person Book. The advances in drawing and writing over last month's rendition are amazing! Just wait until you receive the book at the end of the are going to be so impressed with the skills your child has developed :)

We'd love to show you lots of great pictures of our activities this week but we are keeping it a secret so that they can be revealed in person TONIGHT at the open house! If you can't make it, these projects will be sent home for you to enjoy very soon.

  • Please remember that if your child is going to be absent fo-r any reason that we need to hear from you due to daycare laws. We need to know that your child is okay. So please call us anytime prior to his/her class (even the middle of the night) 884-6162.
  • Please note that all children must be walked into the building with an adult. You may not drop them off outside the door. Also, be sure to sign him/her in. And arrival cannot be more than 5 minutes prior to class start time.
  • We have some safety requirements of costumes for our party on Oct. 31st. Please read the newsletter on the back of the October calendar for the details.