Thursday, May 2, 2013

Once Upon a Time...

This week we talked about Fairy Tales. Some were traditional stories and some were spoofs of the classic versions.
Monday we read two versions of Billy Goats Gruff and made a paper-plate billy goat of our own. These are hung up around our room.

Tuesday we heard the story of Little Red Riding Hood and made a May Day basket to give someone on May 1st.

We made practiced naming colors on Wednesday as we added mattresses to the bed for The Princess and the Pea game. Have you played this with your child yet?

Thursday we heard the story of Puss in Boots and made our own puppet to retell the story.

We still need chaperones for our MORNING class trip to the Zoo. If you can join us on Wednesday, May 15th, please let Mrs. Fox or Mrs. Crandall know ASAP! 884-6162

Have a great weekend!