Friday, March 1, 2013

Down on the 4K Farm

This week we learned about farm animals. On Monday we made a barn and silo. We had to cut the barn and silo out and then we glued on rectangles and squares to make the door, windows and roof.

We practiced cutting on a curved line on Tuesday when we cut out three different sized circles to make pigs to decorate our hallway. We talked about how the circles are big, bigger, biggest, or small, smaller, smallest. 
Can you pick out which one knows he's going to be bacon? Haha!

Wednesday we had a snow day. We hope you enjoyed the day off! Remember to watch local news stations for any delay/closing information. Thursday we had another day off due to the district early release.

We made a page for our Person Book on Friday and we made the rooster project that we missed on Wednesday. 

We also went to different centers to demonstrate skills for our progress reports, which will be coming home in a couple weeks. It’s so amazing to see the increase in knowledge/skills! We are so very proud of all our friends!!!!

Conferences have been scheduled for the people who returned their blue selection sheets. You received a neon orange note in your child's folder this week listing your date/time. Also, we have added a page to this blog listing all the conference times in case you forget. You can get there from the menu bar above by clicking on Spring Conference Schedule.