Monday, December 17, 2012

Holiday Traditions

Over the past few weeks we have been learning about a number of different celebrations that occur around the world during the month of December.

The one that is most familiar to our class is Christmas. We have read books and made projects related to this and talked about how some people celebrate Christmas with gifts and Santa, while others celebrate Christmas as Jesus’ birth, and some families recognize both of these Christmas traditions. Our room has some Christmas touches to it too!

We have a felt tree to decorate.
We can bake cut-out cookies.
And stockings to hang by the chimney with care!

We have also learned about the Jewish holiday called Hanukkah that is celebrated by a series of rituals that are performed every day throughout the 8-day holiday. Las Posadas is a Mexican celebration during which neighbors reenact the nativity pilgrimage to a designated house that represents the “inn”. We also learned about Kwanzaa, an African American Holiday that celebrates a fruitful harvest.

Thank you all for sending in show & tell items about your family's traditions. We have really enjoyed learning about the different ways families celebrate together!

We had a great time at the tree farm! Be sure to see you check out the photos on our photo gallery page. Thank you to all the chaperones who joined us for the day and thanks to those who volunteered to come as sorry that we couldn't take you all with us!

Don't forget to bring in a book for the book exchange if you haven't already and be sure your child is in his/her PJs on Thursday for our Polar Express PJ party!

Also, the Holiday Sing is on Thursday night at 5:30pm at St. Joseph's Church (the circle church). We will be in the lower level where the stage is located. Please do not arrive more than 5 min early...the kids get too crazy :)