Friday, March 2, 2012

It's All About Community

We had so much fun in our classroom this week! This is one of our favorite units because we have lots of new play centers.

We especially enjoyed our airport area! We took turns being check-in agents, flight attendants and pilots.

We also had a beauty salon set up where we could take turns getting made up and giving makeovers.

Next, we had our own restaurant and bakery! There were menus and order pads, cash registers and more.

We had pvc piping in our science area, which we used to build all sorts of sculptures. There was also a fun foam and golf tee building set!

We also enjoyed an entire little people construction site, and a school area too.

On Wednesday we made shaped cookies and wore our baker's hats. Aren't we cute?!

On Friday, we dressed up for career day. We had fun talking about what we’d like to be and where we would like to work. There are individual photos of us in our career outfits on the photo gallery page.

AM Class

PM Class

Don't forget that conferences start next week...if you forgot what day/time you are scheduled, please see the Conference Schedule Page. If you didn't yet schedule a conference but would like one, please e-mail Mrs. Fox at