Thursday, November 3, 2011

Beary Busy Week!

This week we worked on a number of bear projects that you will get to see at conferences. We showed how we can sort sizes, make patterns, and order sequences. We are very excited for you to see all our hard work!

These are math skills you can work on at home as well. For example, you can have your child size dishes, pattern blocks or cars, and figure out steps for brushing teeth, getting dressed, etc.

Buckle Bear came to visit us on Thursday and taught us all about the safest way to ride! An information packet is in your child’s red folder.

Buckle Bear Visited Us Today!

Please note that if your child has had a fever, vomited or had diarrhea the night before or the morning before class, please, please, please do NOT send them to school. They are still carrying the infection even if they are “feeling better”. Your child must be symptom free (no fever, no vomiting, no diarrhea), WITHOUT medication for 24 hours before they can return to school. 

While it might be an inconvenience for you, we cannot stress enough how critical it is for you to adhere to this school district policy. The health of all thirty-nine 4K kids, plus teachers, plus the pre-schoolers & daycare children that also attend here, is jeopardized when you send your child to school while they are still carrying infection.

If your child is staying home due to illness, please be sure to call us at 884-6162 anytime day or night.  We MUST hear from you or we will have to call you to find out where your child’s the law. Also, let the bus company know if your child is a bus rider.

Please also encourage your child to use proper hand washing techniques, which means using both soap & warm water and washing for the length of time it takes to sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

We need help with the potluck on November 22. Please see the yellow sheet in your child's red folder.

Don't forget that next Thursday is Teddy Bear & Pajama Day!!!