Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hurry, Hurry Drive the Firetruck

Wow! We learned so much about fire safety this week! We learned when to call 9-1-1. We practiced what to do if our clothes ever catch fire: Stop, Drop & Roll while covering our faces. We also found out how important it is not to hide from firefighters and to crawl below the smoke. Be sure to check out our newsletter for home fire safety tips, including making a meeting spot for your family.

We made lots of fun fire related projects this week too including a firetruck, a dalmatian, a fire hat and an edible firetruck.

The firefighters brought a fire engine to our school on Thursday. We even got to sit in it! Be sure to view our Gallery page for the slideshow of the visit.

Reminder that tomorrow is the mini-homecoming parade. If your family would like to sit with our group, see the newsletter for our location.

You will also notice on the newsletter that your child's conference date/time and student spotlight week are listed for you.

If you haven't yet returned the permission slip and payment for Thursday's field trip to the pumpkin farm, please do so by Monday. Also, unwanted pictures and payments are due Monday as well.