Thursday, January 6, 2011

Outerwear, Snacks, Sculptures & Dressing Up

Please, please, please continue to send ALL of your child’s outerwear. It is very cold out, so even though we aren’t climbing through piles of snow, we still get cold if we don’t have everything we need to bundle up.

Thank you to those families who have brought in snacks!!! If you still haven’t had a chance to bring some in,  next week will be just fine. Please send two days worth of snacks to serve 18 children.

We would like each child to bring in one disposable, plastic container for us to freeze colored water in to make our ice sculpture. This can be an ice cream bucket, cool whip container, margarine tub, old Gladware-type container, etc. Any shape or size will work so long as the “block” of ice can be dumped out of it once frozen.

Don't forget, next Thursday is our Royal Tea Party Dress Up Day!!! Wear your, dresses, crowns, pillowcase armor, capes, etc.