Thursday, November 10, 2011

Teddy Bears, Traditions, & Our Potluck

Don't forget! No school on Tuesday and class on Friday!!!!

This week we worked on a number of bear projects, including paper plate  bears that is decorating our classroom. On Tuesday, we made a gummy bear puppet using bingo daubers! They were really fun to use!!! We learned about our colors and positional words on Wednesday when we made a teddy bear book.

We also had a great time at our teddy bear pajama party where we read stories to our bears, made them some porridge, painted a bear  portrait  and made our bears a bracelet. We also made another page for our person book. It was a beary fun day!
Morning Pajama Party
Afternoon Pajama Party
 Show & Tell - Family Traditions
The theme for Show and Tell in November & December is Family Traditions. We would like your child to bring something related to one of your family traditions. This can be an item or photo, and relate to any family tradition you have, not just December traditions...July 4th, annual reunions, any tradition your family may have. If an explanation of the item/photo is necessary, please write that out and send it for the teacher to read to the class.

Thanksgiving Potluck
If you haven't turned in the yellow participation form from last week, please do so on Monday so that we can finalize the food contribution and helper schedule. Thanks!